Something Else

Something Else is a literary journal published by my undergraduate university, Jacksonville State University. It is compiled by the JSU Writers’ Club. The journal has been recognized by the National Council of Teachers for English in its Recognizing Excellence in Art and Literary Magazines contest. Four of my works were published in the 2020-2021 edition of this journal: The Domain, Bee Movie, The Distant Lover, and Gumbo. I wrote these works between the years of 2018 and 2021.

The Distant Lover


I feel close to you

But physically

I couldn’t be further away

I see the way you look at him

And I couldn’t be happier for you

To find real love in this world 

Is a trial in itself

And though I want you 

With every fiber of my being

I don’t need you

I only need you 

To find happiness for yourself

Because you and him belong together

So I will remain the distant lover

Always longing, yet content

You have what you need, and I am satisfied


I feel close to you

But emotionally

I couldn’t be further away

I see the way you look at me

And I couldn’t be happier

To find comfort in this world 

Is a trial in itself

And though I need you 

With every fiber of my being

I don’t want you

I only want you 

To find happiness for myself

Even if we don’t belong together

So I will remain the distant lover

Never longing, yet content

I have what I need, and I am satisfied